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Kategorie: > Öffentliche Versorgung > Wasserpreise
Wasserpreise in Asien China
Alexander White
(Mailadresse bestätigt)


Im Zuge meiner Projektarbeit Thema:

Weltweite Wasserresourcen, Wasserverbrauch und Wasserpreisvergleich

Ich habe schon viele interessante Daten sammeln können, leider finde Ich keine Zahlen für die momentanen Wasserpreise in China pro Kubikmeter. Besonders interessant wäre es zu wissen, wieviel die Industrie zahlen muss.

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen ?

Anzahl der unterhalb stehenden Antworten: 1
Gast (Meihua AN)
(Gast - Daten unbestätigt)


Hello, its not directly linked to water prices, but about wastewater - may give you an impression (that water does not cost a lot in China). Due to lack of time I could not give you more info right now, chekc also the CHINA Environmental Brief, they might help as well.

An Meihua

Here is the article...

Suzhou continues tiered pricing for wastewater management
High-energy consuming and heavy polluting companies in Suzhou faced a hike in their wastewater management fees starting July 1, according to the Suzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Committee. Twenty-seven companies given a red rating in their 2009 environmental assessment will see wastewater management fees increase RMB 0.3 per cubic meter, while eight black-rated companies will pay RMB 0.5 more per cubic meter.

Suzhou became the nation’s first city to link environmental behaviors with water prices in June 2009 when it introduced the tiered pricing mechanism. Under the municipal system, higher prices are charged to companies with red and black ratings [not defined in this article] and to companies whose products or equipment are classified as either restricted or phased out.

Companies who paid higher rates because of poor environmental assessments in 2008 will not be required to pay those prices this year if they did not receive a red or black rating in 2009.

[Source: xhby.net]

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