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Status:Mailadresse bestätigt
Über mich:My name is Andy Evan, My home town is France. In the building and construction real estate sector has accumulated a fairly rich experience in pre-development and also project administration of realty, to master the property and public building and construction job growth, management processes, understand the information of the control in position, can be forecasted beforehand, as well as has a strong ability to resolve issues. Lively and joyful, broad interests, versatile, dedicated, responsible, hardworking and happy to satisfy new challenges. Currently working at Hiking Machinery, our firm focuses on the manufacturing of construction machinery and also concrete plants. Our items consist of laser screed, power screed, power trowel, truss screed, ride on power trowel as well as roller screed, please call us if you need these products.

Werbung (3/3)
Laboruntersuchung für Ihr Brunnenwasser

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